How to Fix TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable in Python - GeeksforGeeks (2025)

Python is a popular and versatile programming language, but like any other language, it can throw errors that can be frustrating to debug. One of the common errors that developers encounter is the “TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not iterable.” In this article, we will explore various scenarios where this error can occur and provide practical solutions to help you tackle it effectively.

Understanding the Error: NoneType’ object is not Iterable

The error message “TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not iterable” in Python typically occurs when you try to iterate over an object that has a value of None. This error is raised because None is not iterable, meaning you cannot loop through it like you can with lists, tuples, or other iterable objects.

syntax: TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not iterable

Causes of “TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not iterable”

  • Missing Return Statement
  • Invalid API Response
  • Iterating over a variable with the value None
  • None Type error in Classes
  • Lambda Functions and NoneType error

Missing Return Statement

One of the most common scenarios leading to this error is a missing return statement in a function. Let’s say we have a function that’s supposed to return a list of numbers, but we forget to include a return statement:


def generate_numbers():

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# Missing return statement

result = generate_numbers()

for num in result:



---------------------------------------------------------------------------TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)c:\Users\practice.ipynb Cell 1 line 6 3 # Missing return statement 5 result = generate_numbers()----> 6 for num in result: 7 print(num)TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

In this case, ‘generate_numbers()’ doesn’t return anything, which means it returns None. When we try to iterate over result, we’ll encounter the ‘TypeError’ because we can’t iterate over None.

Solution: Ensure Proper Return

To fix this error, make sure our function returns the expected value. In this example, we should add a return statement to ‘generate_numbers()’:


def generate_numbers():

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

return numbers

result = generate_numbers()

for num in result:




Now, generate_numbers() returns a list of numbers, and the error is resolved.

Invalid API Response

Another scenario where you might encounter this error is when working with APIs. Let’s say we’re making an API request to fetch data, but the API returns None instead of the expected data:


import requests

def fetch_data():

response = requests.get("")

if response.status_code == 200:

return response.json()


return None

data = fetch_data()

for item in data:



---------------------------------------------------------------------------TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)c:\Users\practice.ipynb Cell 2 line 11 8 return None 10 data = fetch_data()---> 11 for item in data: 12 print(item)TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

If the API request fails or returns None, we’ll get a ‘TypeError’ when trying to iterate over data.

Solution: Check API Response

To handle this situation, we should check the API response before attempting to iterate over it. Here’s an improved version of the code:


import requests

def fetch_data():

response = requests.get("")

if response.status_code == 200:

return response.json()


return [ ]

data = fetch_data()

for item in data:


If the status code is not 200, it means there was an issue with the API request. In this case, we return an empty list [] as a placeholder value instead of None. Returning an empty list allows us to avoid the ‘NoneType’ error when attempting to iterate over the response data later in the code.

Iterating over a variable with the value None

This scenario is straightforward and common. It occurs when we attempt to loop (iterate) over a variable that has the value None:


my_list = None

for item in my_list:



---------------------------------------------------------------------------TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)c:\Users\practice.ipynb Cell 3 line 2 1 my_list = None----> 2 for item in my_list: 3 print(item)TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

In this scenario, the variable ‘my_list’ is set to None. When the for loop attempts to iterate over ‘my_list’, it encounters the TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not iterable. This error occurs because None is not an iterable object, and we cannot loop through it.

Solution: Ensuring Iterable presence before looping

To fix this error, we need to ensure that ‘my_list’ contains an iterable object (such as a list, tuple, etc.) before attempting to iterate over it. Adding a check like if my_list is not None before the loop ensures that the code inside the loop only runs if my_list is not None, preventing the ‘NoneType’ error.


my_list = None

if my_list is not None:

for item in my_list:


None Type error in Classes

Classes in Python can also encounter ‘NoneType’ errors, especially when working with methods that return None. Consider a class with a method that doesn’t return any value.

Let’s suppose we have a class named ‘Student’. In this class, we want to store a student’s name and their grades. The class has a method called ‘get_grades()’ which, logically, should return the student’s grades. In this situation, a student named ‘Alisha’ is created with a list of grades. The intention is to check if any of Alisha’s grades are above or equal to 90 and print them

Here’s the initial code:


class Student:

def __init__(self, name,grade): = name

self.grade = grade

def get_grades(self):


student = Student("Alisha",[90,85,88,92])

for grade in student.get_grades():

if grade>=90:



---------------------------------------------------------------------------TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)c:\Users\practice.ipynb Cell 4 line 13 8 print(self.grade) 11 student = Student("Alisha",[90,85,88,92])---> 13 for grade in student.get_grades(): 14 if grade>=90: 15 print(grade)TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

The issue lies in the ‘get_grades()’ method. While it does print the grades, it doesn’t return them. When we try to loop through ‘student.get_grades()’, it prints the grades but doesn’t give you any values to work with in the loop.

So, When we attempt to iterate over the result of ‘student.get_grades()’, it implicitly returns ‘None’ because there is no explicit return statement in the ‘get_grades()’ method. Python considers this None, which is not iterable. As a result, we encounter a TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not iterable error.

Solution: Returning Appropriate Values from Class Methods

To resolve this issue, we need to modify the ‘get_grades()’ method. Instead of just printing the grades, it should return them. Returning the grades means providing an iterable (in this case, the list of grades) to the caller of the method. By returning the grades, the method becomes iterable, and the loop can work as intended.


class Student:

def __init__(self, name,grade): = name

self.grade = grade

def get_grades(self):

return self.grade

student = Student("Alisha",[90,85,88,92])

for grade in student.get_grades():

if grade>=90:


So In this corrected code, the ‘get_grades()’ method returns ‘self.grade’, which is the list of grades. When we iterate over ‘student.get_grades()’, we will iterate over the list of grades, and there won’t be any ‘NoneType’ error because we are iterating over a valid iterable object.



Lambda Functions and NoneType error

The error “TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not iterable” can occur in lambda functions when the lambda function returns None in certain situations. This typically happens when we conditionally return None for specific input values. When we try to iterate over the result of a lambda function that returns None, we encounter this error.

Example: In this example, if the input x is not greater than 0 (x>0), the lambda function returns None. When we try to iterate over result, we’re trying to iterate over None, causing the “TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not iterable” error.


my_lambda = lambda x: x * 2 if x > 0 else None

result = my_lambda(-1)

for item in result:



---------------------------------------------------------------------------TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)c:\Users\practice.ipynb Cell 5 line 3 1 my_lambda = lambda x: x * 2 if x > 0 else None 2 result = my_lambda(-1)----> 3 for item in result: 4 print(item)TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

Solution: Ensuring Iterable results

To fix this error, we should handle the case where the lambda function returns None. One way to handle it is to provide a default iterable (such as an empty list) in the case of None. Here’s the corrected code:


my_lambda = lambda x: [x * 2] if x > 0 else []

result = my_lambda(-1)

for item in result:


Output: In this fixed code, the lambda function returns a list containing x * 2 if ‘x’ is greater than 0. If ‘x’ is not greater than 0 (as in the case of -1), it returns an empty list. Now, we can iterate over result without encountering the ‘NoneType’ error.



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How to fix - "typeerror 'module' object is not callable" in Python

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How to Fix TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable in Python - GeeksforGeeks (2025)


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