Finally found that what cause profiles are not switching automatically on Synapse | Razer Insider (2025)

I was wondering why my Blackwidow V3 keyboard can’t support adaptive effect when running different games, but I lookup on google it actually works and support that feature. Synapse will help to switching different profiles between games, but it never worked on mine. I spent a couple hours to test those settings and finally found that if you turn on the Chroma APPS setting in Chroma CONNECT. All of your profiles will not be switching. As long as I turn it off. The profile start to switch automatically, but those game which support Chroma APPS like “Cyberpunk 2077” will not work now. I just submitted a feedback. Hopefully they will fix this bug soon.

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Thank you!! This has been a huge issue for me for awhile now!

Thank you!! This has been a huge issue for me for awhile now!

Mine is working fine now, no matter if I turn on or off Chroma Connect. I am not sure is it because they fix the bug.

The problem still persists for me and I dont even have Chroma connect installed just the synapse software and nothing else

The problem still persists for me and I dont even have Chroma connect installed just the synapse software and nothing else

Then try to install it and change the setting as I mentioned

I tried to make sense of your solutions. too many incomplete sentences and thoughts.

Ohh wow, it does work now indeed!
Thanks mate!
You know, I love Razer, but the products are really expensive.
If I'mpaying a couple hundred bucks, I at least expect it to work properly.

I was wondering why my Blackwidow V3 keyboard can’t support adaptive effect when running different games, but I lookup on google it actually works and support that feature. Synapse will help to switching different profiles between games, but it never worked on mine. I spent a couple hours to test those settings and finally found that if you turn on the Chroma APPS setting in Chroma CONNECT. All of your profiles will not be switching. As long as I turn it off. The profile start to switch automatically, but those game which support Chroma APPS like “Cyberpunk 2077” will not work now. I just submitted a feedback. Hopefully they will fix this bug soon.

Your post did give me some incite. I did notice that it does make a change when I play Overwatch. The keyboard knows the game keys and knows cooldowns for abilities. Basically when I use the E key to do an ability it turns red while on cool down but when I can use the abilities again it goes back to blue. And the checkbook to turn off light when screen turns off works also.

So something is working.

Thank you! Turning off theChroma APPS settings helped me too. I’ve encountered this bug after I installed the latest update.

The problem still persists for me and I dont even have Chroma connect installed just the synapse software and nothing else

My situation is the same as yours. Nothing was installed. I installed it and then closed it to solve the problem.

broooooo youre my goat omgggggg ive been facing issues with fortnite on my deathadder v3, i cant play it comfortably on higher than 1k polling rate but i can play valorant and apex on 8k just fine and i made the profiles but they werent working until i turned it off, thanks a mill

The problem still persists for me and I dont even have Chroma connect installed just the synapse software and nothing else

My situation is the same as yours. Nothing was installed. I installed it and then closed it to solve the problem.

same, installedchroma connect and then disabling chroma apps solved the issue….

If anyone is still having problems even after disabling Chroma Apps then uninstall the Chroma Connect module completely which seems to work for me

I used to be a fan of Razer but I'm going to switch to Steelseries for my next mouse due Razer's overpriced hardware and buggy software. I've already switched to the Steelseries Apex keyboard and loving it

Turning OFF Apps in Chroma Connect fixed this issue for me too.


I had removed Chroma Connect when Synapse last updated.

But the ConnectChroma Apps beingSwitched ON prior to removal fromModulesmust have changed settings that aren’t undone with the removal of Connect.

I had to reinstall Connect then uncheck Chroma Apps to resolve the issue of Profiles not switching with linked games.

Finally found that what cause profiles are not switching automatically on Synapse | Razer Insider (2025)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.